Angelic Wonders: The Monte Gargano St. Michael Coloring Experience

Angelic Wonders: The Monte Gargano St. Michael Coloring Experience
Angelic Wonders: The Monte Gargano St. Michael Coloring Experience
The Apparition of St. Michael at Monte Gargano
3rd-8th Centuries

According to tradition, a bull belonging to a wealthy man named Gargano escaped and wandered off. Finding the bull grazing in front of a cave, Gargano, in his anger, shot a poisoned arrow at it. The arrow turned around and hit him instead. Frightened at such a supernatural experience, Gargano reported the event to the bishop immediately.

After three days of prayer and fasting, Saint Micheal the Archangel appeared to the Bishop and told him to make the cave a place of prayer.

After continuous apparitions and miracles at the site of the cave, a basilica was erected and dedicated to the great angelic warrior of God.

Saint Michael the Archangel, Pray for us!

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Author: © 2024,

Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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