Fearless Faith: Catholic Coloring Book for Conquering Human Respect

Fearless Faith: Catholic Coloring Book for Conquering Human Respect
Fearless Faith: Catholic Coloring Book for Conquering Human Respect
Catholic Living: Overcoming Human Respect

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Sometimes we are very convinced that we believe in God and in his Church, and we are ready to make sacrifices, prayers and even give our goods to do apostolate. But the Lord could say to us as he did to the rich young man: you lack only one thing. And that thing that we lack at times is to overcome human respect.

Indeed, when we have to give a courageous testimony before important people, our bosses, supervisors, teachers, employers, or simply before our friends and relatives, it is there where we falter and we cower, wanting to look good with everyone, smiling so as not to clash with anyone and “turning a blind eye” to many disorders, when in fact we should react courageously and say things as they are, with charity, but also with courage and truth. Because we must know that God is Love, but He is also Truth. And he is not more Love than Truth, but both: Love and Truth. And we, who want to be imitators of God, must also speak the truth with love, even if this brings us inconveniences, loss of jobs, scorn; even if we cease to be esteemed by men, because the important thing is that God esteems us.

What are honor, esteem and fame worth, if one ends up condescending to the world and the worldly, and in the end concludes his life far from God? For Christ will be ashamed of us before his heavenly Father, if we were ashamed of him before men.

So let us think a little about this human respect, because it is never completely defeated, but always comes to the surface, either for fear of what people will say, or for fear of being punished in some way, in short, for fear of appearing old-fashioned or ridiculous, and so on.

And it is a matter of fulfilling the first commandment, which is to love God above all things, and above all people, whoever they may be.

Let us work on this defect and let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Fortitude, to encourage us to stand up for the Truth, for God.
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Author: © 2024, tocolorme.com

Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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