Hungarian Saint Coloring: King Stephen’s Legacy

Hungarian Saint Coloring: King Stephen's Legacy
Hungarian Saint Coloring: King Stephen’s Legacy

Saint Stephen, King of Hungary


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Saint Stephen of Hungary, christened with the name of the first martyr, became the king who converted Hungary from paganism. Crowned on Christmas Day, Stephen set out to serve his kingdom with diligence and devotion.

He established laws to spread Christianity, built countless churches, prevented war by the intercession of Mary, and worked with Pope Sylvester II to evangelize all of Hungary.

His final years were spent in sickness and surrounded by disputes about his successor, until he passed into eternal life on the Feast of the Assumption.

Saint Stephen of Hungary, pray for us!

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Saint Stephen of Hungary, you learned the Catholic faith from an early age and treasured it greatly.

You then brought that faith into a pagan nation and worked tirelessly to share what you had discovered.

Please pray for me, that I will always use my gifts and authority solely for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Saint Stephen, King of Hungary, pray for me.

Jesus, I trust in You.

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Author: © 2024,

Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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