Mary’s Heavenly Crown: Assumption Day Coloring

Mary's Heavenly Crown: Assumption Day Coloring
Mary’s Heavenly Crown: Assumption Day Coloring

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

1st Century

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The Lord preserved Mary from sin and all its effects, including death.

At the end of her earthly life, Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven and crowned as the Queen of all the angels and saints.

The Assumption is the oldest feast celebrating Our Lady, traditionally known as the Dormition of Mary and finally proclaimed as Church dogma in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.

Today, it is honored as a solemnity and Holy Day of Obligation.

Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us!

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Prayer to Mary, Assumed into Heaven

O Immaculate Mary, Assumed into heaven,
you who are most blessed in the vision of God:
of God the Father who exalted you among all creatures,
of God the Son who willed that you bear Him as your Son and that you should be His Mother,
of God the Holy Spirit who accomplished the human conception of the Savior in you.
O Mary, most pure
O Mary, most sweet and beautiful
O Mary, strong and thoughtful woman
O Mary, poor and sorrowful
O Mary, virgin and mother
woman very human like Eve, more than Eve.
You are near to God by your grace and by your privileges
in your mysteries
in your mission, in your glory.
O Mary, assumed into the glory of Christ
in the complete and transfigured perfection of our human nature.
O Mary, gate of heaven
mirror of divine light
ark of the Covenant between God and mankind,
let our souls fly after you
let them fly long your radiant path,
transported by a hope that the world does not contain eternal beatitude.
Comfort us from heaven, O merciful Mother,
and guide us along your ways of purity and hope
till the day of that blessed meeting with you
and with your divine Son
our Savior, Jesus. Amen!
(Saint Paul VI)

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Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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