Saint Hyacinth, Priest and Religious
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Saint Hyacinth was a Polish Dominican priest and missionary who evangelized throughout Europe, earning his title “Apostle of the North.”
Several fascinating miracles are attributed to this great saint, such as his superhuman strength during the Siege of Kiev. During the invasion, Hyacinth rushed into the chapel and carried the ciborium and a large, stone statue of Mary to safety.
On two other miraculous occasions, St. Hyacinth restored crops during a famine and fed the masses with pierogi, leading to the popular Polish expression, “Saint Hyacinth with his dumplings!”
Saint Hyacinth, pray for us!
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Saint Hyacinth Prayer
God, who didst make Blessed Hyacinth, Thy Confessor, glorious amongst the people of divers nations for the holiness of his life and the glory of his miracles, grant that by his example we may amend our lives, and be defended by his help in all adversities.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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