Prisoner’s Prayer: Maximilian Kolbe Coloring Book

Prisoner's Prayer: Maximilian Kolbe Coloring Book
Prisoner’s Prayer: Maximilian Kolbe Coloring Book
Prisoner's Prayer: Maximilian Kolbe Coloring Book
Prisoner’s Prayer: Maximilian Kolbe Coloring Book

Saint Maximilian Kolbe


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When Maximilian was twelve, the Blessed Mother offered him a choice of two crowns: white for purity and red for martyrdom. Kolbe responded, “I choose both!”

Into adulthood and priesthood, Kolbe’s devotion to Mary and happy anticipation of martyrdom only grew. At the apex of Nazi rule, Kolbe could have avoided martyrdom altogether with his German ancestry, but he continued to speak out against the Nazis and was sent to Auschwitz.

Kolbe clung to the Immaculate Heart through every torment and joyfully volunteered his life to save another man, meriting the crowns that Mary had promised.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us!

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Prisoner’s Prayer To Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Introduce me to Mary, the Immaculata, Mother of God.
She prayed for Jesus in a Jerusalem jail.
She prayed for you in a Nazi prison camp. Ask her to comfort me 
in my confinement. May she teach me always to be good.If I am lonely, may she say, “God is here.”

If I feel hate, may she say, “God is love.”
If I am tempted, may she say, “God is pure.”
If I sin, may she say, “God is mercy.”
If I am in darkness, may she say, “God is light.”
If I am unjustly condemned, may she say, “God is truth.”
If I have pain in soul or body, may she say, “God is peace.”
If I lose hope, may she say: “God is with you all days, and so am I.”


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Author: © 2024,

Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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