Repentant Antipope: Saint Hippolytus Coloring Book

Repentant Antipope: Saint Hippolytus Coloring Book
Repentant Antipope: Saint Hippolytus Coloring Book

Sts. Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs

Year 235

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During early Roman persecution, Hippolytus was the most influential writer in the Church. He demanded strict treatment of sinners and garnered such a vast following that he chose to oppose the true Church as an antipope.

Despite Pope Pontian’s efforts to soften Hippolytus, the antipope was unmoving.

However, Divine Providence would have them meet again. In 235, both Pontian and Hippolytus were sentenced to hard labor in the salt mines, and the pope and antipope reconciled at last before dying as martyrs together.

Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus, pray for us!

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But let each of the faithful be zealous, before he eats anything else, to receive the Eucharist; for if anyone receives it with faith, after such a reception he cannot be harmed even if a deadly poison should be given him. But let each one take care that no unbeliever tastes the Eucharist, nor a mouse nor any other animal, and that nothing of it fall or be lost; for the Body of Christ is to be eaten by believers and must not be despised. The cup, when thou hast given thanks in the name of the Lord, thou hast accepted as the image of the blood of Christ. Therefore let none of it be spilled, so that no alien spirit may lick it up, as if thou didst despise it; thou shalt be guilty of the blood, as if thou didst scorn the price with which thou hast been bought.

~From the Apostolic Tradition, by Saint Hippolytus

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Saint Pontian and Hippolytus, you both served the Church during a difficult period in which the nature of the Most Holy Trinity was called into question. You defended the truth and taught it tirelessly. As a result of your fidelity, you both died for the faith, reconciled to God and to each other.

Please pray for me, that I will always seek reconciliation, especially with other Christians, and will always remain faithful to the one true faith. Saints Pontian and Hippolytus, pray for me.

Jesus, I trust in You.

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Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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