Sts. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs
d. 303
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Felix was a Roman priest who lived during the Great Persecution of Emperor Diocletian.
He was arrested by a prefect and brought into a pagan temple to offer sacrifice to the gods and to renounce Christianity. Felix instead prayed to the Lord, and the false idols shattered, sending the prefects into a rage. They immediately led him out toward execution.
On the way, an unknown man was inspired by Felix’s fortitude and joined him, proudly professing himself a Christian.
He was later attributed the name “Adauctus,” meaning “added one.” Both men were beheaded and now live on as blessed martyrs.
Sts. Felix and Adauctus, pray for us!
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We humbly entreat your Majesty, O Lord, that as you continually gladden us by the commemoration of your Martyrs Felix and Adauctus, so may you ever protect us as a result of their prayers. Through our Lord…
– From: An Approved English Translation of the Breviarium Romanum, Burns & Oates, London, 1964
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