Sacred Heart Apostle: John Eudes Coloring Activity

Sacred Heart Apostle: John Eudes Coloring Activity
Sacred Heart Apostle: John Eudes Coloring Activity

Saint John Eudes, Priest


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Despite his parents’ desire for him to marry, John Eudes followed God’s call to join the Congregation of the Oratory of France.

Throughout his ministry, John served plague victims, delivered powerful sermons, opposed Jansenism, and established refuges for fallen women. He went on to found the Congregation of Jesus and Mary and several seminaries.

Most notably, he and St. Mary Margaret Alacoque were entrusted by Jesus to spread the devotion of His Sacred Heart to all the world.

Saint John Eudes, pray for us!

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Prayer of St. John Eudes

O Jesus, only Son of God, only Son of Mary,
I offer You the most loving Heart of Your divine Mother
which is more precious and pleasing to You than all hearts.

O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
I offer you the most adorable Heart of your well-beloved Son,
who is the life and love and joy of your Heart.

Blessed be the Most Loving Heart
and Sweet Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and the most glorious
Virgin Mary, His Mother,
in eternity and forever.


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Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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Congregation Founder: St. John Eudes Coloring Sheet

Congregation Founder: St. John Eudes Coloring Sheet

17th Century Saint: John Eudes Coloring Page

17th Century Saint: John Eudes Coloring Page