Saint John of Avila: A Coloring Page of the Spanish Reformer

Saint John of Avila: A Coloring Page of the Spanish Reformer
Saint John of Avila: A Coloring Page of the Spanish Reformer
Saint John of Avila: A Coloring Page of the Spanish Reformer
Saint John of Avila: A Coloring Page of the Spanish Reformer
Saint John of Avila 

Born in Castile, Spain, John was sent at the age of 14 to the University of Salamanca to study law. He moved to Alcala, studying philosophy and theology before his ordination as a diocesan priest.

Father John’s parents died and left him a considerable inheritance. He gave his money away to the poor. Even with the desire to become a missionary in Mexico, he was persuaded by the archbishop to stay in Andalusia for nine years.

Later on in his priesthood, he founded the University of Baeza. Close to Saints Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila (just to name a few), Saint John of Avila worked with the Society of Jesus and aided their growth in Spain.

After many toils, he now reigns with Christ forever in heaven.

Saint John of Avila, Pray for us!

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