Seven Holy Brothers (Felicitas and her seven sons)00002

Roman Martyrs: Seven Holy Brothers Coloring Pages
Roman Martyrs: Seven Holy Brothers Coloring Pages
Seven Holy Brothers (Felicitas and
her seven sons), Martyrs 

d. 162

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The feast of The Seven Holy Brothers commemorates the seven sons of a pious Roman widow named Felicitas.

After her husband’s death, Felicitas devoted her life to prayer, fasting, and charity. During Emperor Antoninus’ fierce persecution of Christians, Felicitas and her sons were arrested and threatened with death unless they worshipped false idols.

In an act of true motherly love, Felicitas encouraged her children: “My sons, look up to heaven, where Jesus Christ with His Saints expects you.”

Emboldened by their mother’s words, they remained faithful to Christ and gained the eternal crown of martyrdom.

Seven Holy Brothers, Pray for us!

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