St. Mark’s Monastery Leader: Eleutherius Activity

St. Mark's Monastery Leader: Eleutherius Activity
St. Mark’s Monastery Leader: Eleutherius Activity

Saint Eleutherius, Abbot

d. 585

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Eleutherius, a man marked by his simplicity and compunction, was chosen as abbot of St. Mark’s monastery and favored by God with many miracles.

Whenever Eleutherius was at fault, he humbly confessed and atoned with prayers and fasting, and his example inspired the monastery to great devotion.

Even Pope Gregory the Great implored the help of Eleutherius. On the eve of Easter, the pope was too weak and ill to fast, so he asked Eleutherius to accompany him to the church of St. Andrew’s.

With many prayers and tears from Eleutherius, the pope left the church with renewed strength and zeal.

Saint Eleutherius, pray for us!

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Thy name, O St. Eleutherius, is the name of every Christian that has risen with Christ. The Pasch has delivered us all, emancipated all, made us all freemen.

Pray for us that we may ever preserve that glorious liberty of the children of God, of which the Apostle speaks (Rom. 8: 21).

There is another kind of liberty of which the world boasts, and for the acquiring whereof it sets men at variance with men. It consists in avoiding as a crime all subjection and dependence, and in recognizing no authority except the one appointed by their own elections, which they can remove as soon as they please.

Deliver us, O holy Pontiff, from this false liberty, which is so opposed to the Christian spirit of obedience, and is simply the triumph of human pride.

In its frenzy, it sheds torrents of blood; and with its pompous chant of what it calls the rights of man, it substitutes egoism for duty.

It acknowledges no such thing as truth, for it maintains that error has its sacred rights; it acknowledges no such thing as good, for it has given up all pretension to prevent evil.

It puts God aside, for it refuses to recognize Him in those who govern. It puts upon man the yoke of brute force: it tyrannizes over him by what it calls a majority; and it answers every complaint that he may make against injustice by the jargon of accomplished facts.

No, this is not the liberty into which we are called by Christ, our Deliverer. We are free, as St. Peter says, and yet-make not liberty a cloak for malice (1 Peter 2: 16).

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