Explore the Courage of Saint John with Our Coloring Page

Explore the Courage of Saint John with Our Coloring Page
Explore the Courage of Saint John with Our Coloring Page
Saint John Before the Gate
1st Century

Saint John was an evangelist, preacher, and apostle of Christ. In the year 95, Saint John, the only surviving apostle, was taken prisoner at Ephesus and sent to Rome.

Though an old man, the Emperor Domitian condemned him to be cast into a caldron of boiling oil. With remarkable faith, Saint John rejoiced at the suffering that would be his and the joy of becoming a martyr for Christ.

Upon being scourged, tortured, and thrown into the burning oil, the beloved disciple miraculously did not die. Instead, God granted Him the vigor of his youth.

In frustration of this miracle, the emperor banished him to the rugged Isle of Patmos.

Saint John, Pray for us!

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Author: © 2024, tocolorme.com

Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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