Saint Athanasius c. 293-373 After centuries of attempting to destroy the Church from the outside, Satan revised his strategies to destroy the Church from within. Around the turn of the fourth century arose a man whose heresy would spark the largest controversy the Church had witnessed up to that date. This man, tall and elderly–eloquent and a master rhetorician–was named Arius. In the proceedings of the bishops of Alexandria, Arius and his followers proclaimed Jesus Christ indeed could become evil. After pronouncing this a heresy, these bishops then appealed to the higher authority of a council. A learned and extremely articulate deacon stood at the forefront of this council. His name was Athanasius. As a result of Athanasius’ subsequent orthodoxy, the bishops elected Athanasius to fill the vacant Bishopric of Alexandria. After serving Alexandria for forty-six years amid the turmoils of subsequent Arianism, Saint Athanasius was able to meet his heavenly reward in Paradise. Saint Athanasius, Pray for us! |
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