European Saint: Giles Coloring Activity

European Saint: Giles Coloring Activity
European Saint: Giles Coloring Activity

Saint Giles, Hermit and Abbot


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Saint Giles left his comfortable life as a Greek noble to become a hermit. He finally found solitude in France along the Rhône river, where his sole companion was a red deer who sustained him by her milk.

Giles’s reputation for miracles grew, attracting the attention of disciples and royalty alike.

Despite Giles’s desire to live alone, the king built him a monastery in his riverside valley, and Giles became its abbot.

Saint Giles’s cult spread widely throughout Europe, numbering him as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and among the most venerated medieval saints.

Saint Giles, pray for us!

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Prayer of the Church

Prayer of the Church

Lord, we beseech Thee to let us find grace through the intercession of thy blessed confessor Giles; that what we cannot obtain through our merits be given us through his intercession.

Through Christ our Lord.


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Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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Miracle-Working Abbot: St. Giles Sheet

Miracle-Working Abbot: St. Giles Sheet

Hermit's Companion: St. Giles Deer Page

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