Saint Angelus’ Mission: A Coloring Book of Conversion and Miracle

Saint Angelus’ Mission: A Coloring Book of Conversion and Miracle
Saint Angelus’ Mission: A Coloring Book of Conversion and Miracle

Saint Angelus of Jerusalem

Saint Angelus, or Angelo, was born into a Jewish family with his twin brother in Jerusalem. Their mother converted shortly after they were born from a vision of the Blessed Virgin inviting her into a Catholic Church. Their education was overseen by Patriarch Nicodemus.

Upon adulthood, both brothers entered the St. Anne Convent of Carmelites, near Jerusalem’s Golden Gate. Both were ordained priests. Angelus’ brother stayed in the monastery, whereas Father Angelus traveled and preached in Palestine. After several miracles were attributed to him, he resorted back to the monastery. Even there, the faithful followed him.

After receiving light in prayer, he journeyed to Italy and started converting the Albigensians, Bogomils, and the Patarini heretics that had sprung up at that time. It was in Italy that Father Angelus met both Saint Francis and Saint Dominic.

During his preaching, Father Angelus denounced an illicit relationship with one of the Albigensian leaders. Upon hearing this, the Albigensian leader stabbed Father Angelus in the public square five times. Father Angelus died forgiving the man, and now reigns with Christ in heaven.

Saint Angelus of Jerusalem, Pray for us!

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Permission: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

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