Saint Anselm of Canterbury: A Scholar’s Devotion – Celebrating the Feast Day

Saint Anselm of Canterbury: A Scholar’s Devotion - Celebrating the Feast Day
Saint Anselm of Canterbury: A Scholar’s Devotion – Celebrating the Feast Day

Saint Anselm of Canterbury

1033 – 1109

Saint Anselm of Canterbury. Throughout his earthly life, this Doctor of the Church exhibited remarkable intelligence and virtue. He earnestly sought God’s truth and strove to live in accordance with the divine truths he studied.

This holy saint is renowned for his great devotion to Our Lady and is regarded as the first to establish the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in the West. He often prayed to Our Lady, beseeching her to reveal to him the mysteries of her divine Son’s suffering and death. Answering his prayers, Our Lady appeared to St. Anselm and revealed to him the sufferings of her beloved Son through the lens of her own eyes.These revelations have been faithfully recorded in his work, The Passion of Christ: Through the Eyes of Mary. 

Saint Anselm of Canterbury pray for us!

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